Welcome to the
Learning from the Masters Series

Get ready for a complete new experience of learning from the best

The MasterClass Series brings outstanding and inspirational pioneers, thought leaders, and practitioners in the wider field of generative facilitation to you. The MasterClasses offer a unique learning experience to deepen and nourish your facilitation practice and to learn from latest insights and practices in generative facilitation. Moreover, they give you a chance to engage in a deep dialogue with the best in the field and with your fellow practitioners.

Check out the upcoming events
in the MasterClass Series below

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MasterClass with Frits Wilmsen and Christine Wank:

Facilitating Breakthrough Conversations with the Transformation Process Model (TPM) – (11-13 June 2025 in Berlin)

In this new MasterClass Frits Wilmsen and Christine Wank will be introducing the internationally acclaimed “Transformation Process Model (TPM)”of the Impeccable Leadership methodology in a practical and inspiring way so that you can immediatly apply it in your field.

Aimed at helping leaders and teams, facilitators, consultants, coaches and change-makers to facilitate break-through experiences in real-time in people, teams and organisations, the TPM is both intuitive and yet powerful in its application.

In this MasterClass you will learn:

– to facilitate a journey of profound learning and discovery about the deeper layers that drive our behavior, thinking, feeling and relationships

– to facilitate dialogue in groups with the intention to lift each other up and make the sum become more than its parts so that we can make transformations possible in real time

– about the key steps and success factors in working with the TPM in 1:1 settings such as in coaching and contracting with clients as well as in teams and large groups

– how to uncover the hidden dynamics and blockages in people and groups that keep them reactive, stuck or limited and to find the leverages for transformation and learning

– how to lift your game by learning how to hold and transform challenging thougts, feelings and patterns in people and groups

Frits Wilmsen is well known for his systemic model for leadership and transformational change called Impeccable Leadership, a proven technology and comprehensive framework for personal and group development aimed at creating communities of excellence and high performance organizations. He is the author of “Impeccable Leadership – an inspiring and practical approach to leadership development”. He will co-facilitate this MasterClass with GFI founder Christine Wank.


Note that places to this MasterClass are limited to allow for deep learning and reflection.

More Info and Registration

Enjoy our Trailer where he explains one powerful model as part of the Impeccable Leadership framework, the Transformational Process Model:

Special: Impeccable Leadership Program with Frits Wilmsen and Christine Wank:

Navigating Social Complexity and Transformational Change (24-26 February in Berlin)

In our Impeccable Leadership Program with Frits Wilmsen and Christine Wank you will:

– Learn how to move from reactive to proactive behavior in self, teams and organisations.

– Understand what shapes the way we relate with one another in organisations and in teams.

– Get inspiration for building a cooperative performance system that has a deeply human approach as the foundation for excellence.

Frits Wilmsen is well known for his systemic model for leadership and transformational change called Impeccable Leadership, a proven technology and comprehensive framework for personal and group development aimed at creating communities of excellence and high performance organizations. He is the author of “Impeccable Leadership – an inspiring and practical approach to leadership development”.

He will co-facilitate this MasterClass with GFI founder Christine Wank.


Note that places to this Program are limited to allow for deep learning and reflection.

More Info and Registration

MasterClass with Frits Wilmsen on Impeccable Leadership – Navigating Social Complexity (26-28 Oct. 2020 in Berlin) – Completed

Frits Wilmsen is well known for his systemic model for leadership and transformational change called Impeccable Leadership, a proven technology and comprehensive framework for personal and group development aimed at creating communities of excellence and high performance organizations (see his latest book on “Impeccable Leadership – Een inspirerende en praktische methode voor leiderschapsontwikkeling” at Paris Books to be published in German and English soon).

In this course he will introduce the Impeccable Leadership framework to both leaders and facilitators for facilitating transformational change and development for leaders, teams and organisations. It helps them on a very practical and intuitive level to highlight the often hidden structures and deeper leverages for change and transformation and to help them to successfully transcend blockages or dysfunctional behaviour.

Note that places to this MasterClass are limited to allow for deep learning and reflection.

More Info and Registration

MasterClass with Joseph Jaworski and Susan Taylor on Essences of 40 Years Facilitating from Source and Generative Dialogue (April 27-30, 2020 in Berlin) – Completed


For the first time in a MasterClass, Joseph Jaworski and Susan Taylor will share with us their in-depth knowledge and wisdom on what it takes to facilitate from Source – sharing the essences of their lifetime engagement in that field.

In this unique MasterClass you will:

  • harvest and explore the key essences and principles of facilitating from Source
  • activate your Generative Self as leader, facilitator and changemaker – and how to bring it both into your work and everyday life
  • explore what it takes to facilitate people and organisations along the bottom of the U process
  • how to deal with challenges in navigating transformations and how to stay open and connected when the times get rough
  • experience powerful approaches to facilitating generative dialogue and how to practice and cultivate it in teams and organisations
  • learn from wisdom stories and ignite your own generative storyfield connected to Source
  • integrate all that you have learned into your own practice and learn about ways how to sustain the changes

Places to this MasterClass will be limited in order to allow for deep dialogues and generative learning with enough space to bring in each voice and wisdom.

MasterClass with Rollin McCraty (Head of Research at HeartMath Institute) on:
Visualizing and Activating Heart Intelligence in Groups and Organisations – Completed

Right out of the HeartMath Research Department, Rollin McCraty (Head of Research at HeartMath Institute) will present its latest methods and software on heart intelligence in groups for the first time with us in our MasterClass. Discover how this technology can innovate our work as facilitators and approaches to leadership and team development.

The software on social coherence, currently available as beta-version, helps to visualize our inner balance and heart coherence in groups in real-time, thus allowing us to work more explicitely with the inner states of groups which are linked to high performance, working in sync, and emotional intelligence.

In this unique MasterClass we want to experience and experiment with this new methods and technology in order to inspire and strengthen us as facilitators, leaders and changemakers in facilitating inner shifts and in leveraging heart intelligence and connection in groups and organisations.

Our learning journey of the MasterClass will consist of three parts: First, in laying the groundwork you will learn and experience HeartMath bio-feedback technologies and methods to reach heart coherence and inner balance for yourself for becoming more effective as facilitator, leader or changemaker. Secondly, we will be joined by Rollin McCraty who will be introducing both the latest methods for activating heart intelligence in teams which you can use for your own facilitation and leadership practice. Moreover, he will share with us the latest social coherence technology in order to visualize heart coherence levels in groups in real-time. On the last day, we want to integrate all we have learnt and further experiement together how we can effectively shift inner states in groups and explore applications in our own practice.

In this unique MasterClass we invite you to:

  • Discover the power and impact of social coherence tools and methods and how they can innovate our work as facilitators, leaders, and change-makers.
  • Learn to apply the latest tools and methods to activate heart intelligence – both for yourself and for groups.
  • Learn how to shift your inner state when in stress or dealing with difficult emotions.
  • Strengthen your own inner balance and resilience in working as facilitator, leader or change-maker and improve the quality of your presence and awareness.
  • Experiment with facilitating inner shifts in heart coherence with self and groups by using real-time bio-feedback visualisations.
  • Test and adapt your own approaches in leveraging heart coherence in groups and organisations with your peers.

MasterClass with Holger Scholz (Kommunikationslotsen, bikablo® akademie, EUVIZ®) and Christine Wank (GFI) in Berlin

Visual Process Facilitation

For this MasterClass we co-created a new program in which you will learn how to use visual process facilitation as an integral part of your practice as facilitator, leader, changemaker, coach, and consultant. Let us combine process facilitation expertise with drawing and explore the territory of visualizing as a process for facilitating generative change.

Get ready to dive immediately into the practice of visual process facilitation whereas no prior knowledge of how to draw or visualize is necessary.

Our MasterClass invites you to:

  • Learn more about Visual Collaboration, Visual Sensemaking and Visual Leadership.
  • Go beyond drawing as a product and experience drawing as a mutual thinking space.
  • Learn how to use live visualization as a scaffold for contracting, initial consultation and sensemaking.
  • Invite people to think visually, to share their thinking visually, and to stay together in that space of collective inquiry.
  • Unleash the full potential of using visualisation for generative facilitation by leveraging the wisdom of the head, heart and hand by making visible not only ideas and thoughts, but also feelings, qualities of relationships, deeper meaning and purpose in visual process facilitation.
  • Experience the power of slowing things down as to explore the questions that help us deepen our understanding rather than producing premature answers.
  • Explore how visual thinking supports the emergence of fresh ideas and breakthroughs that were not possible to speak about beforehand.
  • Learn how to use and provide high quality material and products, e.g. markers, paper, templates, and iPad to invite co-thinkers into a Visual Thinking Space.

More Info and Registration

MasterClass with Stephen Gilligan (IAGC)
29 January – 1 February, 2018 in Berlin – Completed

Master Your Inner Game of Facilitation and Unleash Your Generativity

Stephen Gilligan has been one of the pioneers in bringing forward a new generation of generative change work that focuses on how to use yourself as most effective tool for transformational change. With over 30 years of in-depth experience, he helps people to activate their full creativity and achieve extraordinary performance in work and life. He does so by integrating mindfulness and somatic-based consciousness with systemic work.

In this MasterClass you will learn how to master your inner game to become more effective in the outer game such as to:

  • Unleash creativity in yourself and in your work with groups.
  • Improve the quality of your presence and awareness.
  • Stay open and connected even when the times get rough.
  • Transform obstacles into opportunities for yourself and others.
  • Strengthen your inner ground to hold difficult thoughts and feelings along the way.
  • Connect with your deeper intention of what you want to create in your life and activate the necessary resources to get there.
  • Crafting and sustaining generative relationships – both with yourself and others.
  • Leverage the wisdom of the learning community on how to best facilitate profound change and innovation in groups.

MasterClass with Arawana Hayashi (Presencing Institute)
22 – 25 October, 2017 in Berlin – Completed

Embodied Facilitation and Presence for Social Change

Arawana’s pioneering work as a choreographer, performer and educator is deeply sourced in collaborative improvisation. She combines mindfulness, embodiment, and awareness practices with facilitating social change. Currently she heads the creation of Social Presencing Theater (SPT) for the Presencing Institute. Working with Otto Scharmer, Peter Senge and other colleagues at the Presencing Institute, she brings her background in the arts, meditation and social justice to creating “social presencing” that makes visible both current reality and emerging future possibilities.

In this MasterClass you will deepen your inner ground for a more embodied facilitation and strengthen key capacities such as:

  • Integrating the intelligence of the head, heart and hands in your work.
  • Seeing and acting from the field and larger whole (field- and awareness-based facilitation).
  • Embracing and leveraging “not knowing” as a competence in facilitating generative change and innovation.
  • Transforming stuckness into flow in Self and social systems.
  • Strengthening your own inner ground and connecting with the deeper purpose in your work.
  • Learning how to embody an emerging future for yourself and in working with groups (presencing).
  • Nurturing and tuning yourself as your most effective facilitation tool.